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The Norwich Ski Club is part of the Connecticut Ski Council (CSC) where club members are entitled to all benefits provided. CSC promotes skiing and winter sports and through its very large membership offers many benefits to skiers who enjoy a variety of Winter activities.  The CSC has arranged many discounts with skiing resorts in New England.

Very popular benefits of being involved with the CSC include:

  • Discounted Lift Tickets (Obtained through Awareness Days and Bulk Tickets)

  • Monday Night Racing – Very fun and competitive (Racing brackets by age and gender)

  • Socialization with skiers at all ability levels

The CSC is comprised of approximately 40 member clubs and has the purchasing power of nearly 30,000 people.  The mission of the CT Ski Council is to promote skiing and other recreational activities.  It is a non profit organization.  To be involved with the CSC a person or family must be a member in one of the member clubs.   Each of those clubs has their own governing bodies, rules, regulations and by-laws.  Go to the Council Clubs page to find information on joining one of the member clubs.  If you are interested in having your club become part of the CT Ski  Council, go to the page: Membership in the CT Ski Council for information.

The Connecticut Ski Council is a member of the National Ski Council Federation and the National Ski Area Association.  Please check the Ski Federation’s website:

To go to the CSC website, click the link here:

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